
We came to know that the dog in my Aunt’s house has given birth to 3 little puppies. My kids were very much excited to play with the puppies. I had to call up my Aunt prior to our visit and warn about the love of my kids for dogs and that hygiene will not be thought about. Just to show that I am bit better than my kids in hygiene sensitivity, told my aunt that we will bring extra pair of clothes. And as soon as we entered the house, kids went to the shed(in kannada called as cottige where animals are kept) and they came out only 5 mins for lunch. They spent whole day with puppies and wanted to stay overnight in the dog shed if we had allowed them to. But we had to pack up to visit other places next day.







I don’t mind what people think of me as a mother who allow her kids to kiss Dogs. Life is a life whether it is of human bein or a Dog and Love is Devine. When human beings are sick, they smell lot worse than the dogs do.

And for the little one, dog does not have to be cute or clean. She can love and caress any dog in any condition and I don’t have problems with the same as I love to do the same though at times I control myself obliging to hygiene sensitive people around. I love the below picture, because of the feelings that is reflecting on her face.



Innovative way to avoid slippery front yard…path made of stones and arecanut tree stems.


Oh, I have to write about lunch at Edooru. My aunt always welcomes us with one sentence, ” I have not cooked much, only rasam and rice.” and when we start having food, a course of atleast 10-12 items follow. Same thing happened this time as well. Started with Chitranna, Raita, mysore pak, 2 types of kodbale, kara sev, Rasam, Chapati, Sagu, Mango kairasa and curd rice. I ate twice as much as I eat normally, that too having little portion of each delicacy. So, if you happen to visit any home as a guest and if they know that you are coming, be careful not to eat large portions of what gets served first as there would be at least 5-6 items to follow.

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